Blog Post

Are We All Hypocrites?

  • by Bernice Hardwick
  • 21 Oct, 2018
Contradictions, double-standards, hypocrisy, don't ya just love 'em! Of course, they only happen in others, not something we're guilty of, we can hold our heads high knowing that we're honest, reliable, upstanding members of society. And they're so easy to spot in others. The media frequently likes nothing better than pointing them out and making fun of them, in celebrities and other public figures.
Here are some simple, everyday examples - bellowing at somebody to "STOP SHOUTING!", going to the pub for a drink (and snack?!) as a "treat" after a weight-watchers or gym class, being unkind to somebody who is "abusive", complaining about people who moan all the time. See, I bet you have done it! Sometimes we call it irony. Or what about organised anarchy? Or a Surrealist movement? You can't have those things because as soon as you do, they become something else. And I would suggest that in reality, such contradictions and apparent hypocrisy are almost unavoidable, they are part of the human condition. We are complex beings and our minds are not linear or (frequently) logical. Sometimes it can cause serious issues, because our idea of ourselves and the reality do not match (cognitive dissonance), but here's an explanation of what goes on:…/

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