“I’m far too busy, I don’t have time..."
“I’m not very good at that..."
“I need to sort this out first”..
"“It’s not really that much of a problem..."
“I could quit/do it if I really wanted to..."
"I can't afford it..."
Sound familiar?
When it prevents you from accomplishing what you want and being the person you know you can be, it’s time to change the message. Can you really afford not to?
We have an instinctive fear of uncertainty, so our natural urge is to avoid it, taking familiar paths instead, even when we know they are ineffectual or worse. The great news is that you can change that, simply by altering the way you perceive and interact with the world - no big secret, no special qualities, no unrealistic, unattainable goals, it really is that straightforward. And with my effective support, using suitable counselling and hypnotherapy on your journey, the vision can become a reality.
Direct Contact Form
email: bernice@seechanges.co.uk
phone: 01780 678565
( click
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