It seemed a good idea to write about procrastination after writing about being organised, and the article below really made me think very hard (which was a welcome change from daydreaming!). Apparently, how indecisive we are is not only a matter of genetic make up, but is also a universal law and always with us.
In which case, it would be very easy and tempting to say "Well I can't help it, it's just the way I am" and go straight back to our noodling, doodling or online searches for pictures of cute kittens. And if you're happy doing that, I guess that's fine, but you could be missing out on a great deal, wasting time that could be spent more productively or pleasurably. Research now shows that for some it's definitely much more difficult to focus appropriately, but that's not a good reason to make excuses, it's a good reason to look for a way to make it easier. Stop seeking distractions, do something about it now.
One final point - chronic, serious, habitual procrastination can be an indicator of underlying mental health issues, such as depression or a psychological/emotional disorder. If you sense that is the case, it would be sensible to seek help.