Blog Post

Money Worries

  • by Bernice Hardwick
  • 10 Feb, 2019
Whilst it may be true that money can't buy you happiness (or love!), not having it is definitely a major cause of stress and misery. And at this time of year, when most of us are running like mad to catch up with the leftover debt from Christmas, it's very often at the forefront of peoples' thoughts.
Added to this, the Brexit mess is creating further uncertainty, so many people are approaching the future and matters monetary with extreme caution, worried about jobs and the economy in general. One example of this is the housing market, which is at its lowest ebb for many years.
What this means overall is a general sense of gloom and doom, with little evidence of optimism, and when that's what surrounds us, it's almost impossible to remain positive, to see a solution. We find ourselves sucked into it, we become disillusioned and disheartened. And so it goes on...and on...and on.......
So how do we break this cycle, find a way out of the desperation? It's not easy, it takes commitment, stamina and determination. You have to start small, tackle one tiny problem at a time, something that you know you can do, and when it's done, congratulate yourself for it, instead of looking at (and feeling overwhelmed by) everything that still needs doing. Mark each step, focus on the present, keep going. How many times have you started a job and then regretted it because it seemed so much harder than you anticipated? But you had no choice but to continue, and when you finished you felt proud
(or at least relieved!) and elated. It's the only way.
And once you do something, once you see a difference, it's amazing how quickly you are able to think more clearly and creatively, to find more answers. Just make a start.
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